September 9, 2009
The fall meeting was called to order by Chairman Wesley Thomsen.
Wesley & Marilyn Thomsen, Clare & Jennifer Thomsen, Krista Jensen
Secretary’s Report
A motion was made by Jennifer Thomsen and supported by Clare Thomsen to approve the Secretary’s report for May 13, 2009. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Cash on hand as of 9/9/09 is $4,735.43. Motion by Krista Jensen, supported by Clare Thomsen to approve the report, motion carried.
Sexton’s Report
Wesley Thomsen reported that Richard Jensen, Kurt Christophersen and Willie Thomsen have passed away since May. John Kooi continues to provide mowing and trimming.
Old Business
Wesley Thomsen gave a report on the last Memorial Day Service. He indicated that there were approximately 65 present.
The water pump has been fixed and Wes and Clare will be working on winterizing.Jennifer Thomsen mentioned that the Perpetual Care did not cover the lawn service for the first time.
New Business
We will again have Pastor Luke Dudenhofer for our Memorial Day Service. There have been many positive comments about Luke and his messages. Nels Hansen will again play the music.
There is a wedding at the Church in October and the Church will need some spot cleaning before the event.
Krista Jensen who handles the North Sidney web site is going to add a spot for interested people to indicate they want the newsletter emailed to them. She is also planning to add features.
Memorial Day service will be May 31, 2010 at 2:00 p.m.
Fall meeting will be September 8, 2010 at 6:00 p.m.
The spring meeting will be May 11, 2011 at 6:00 p.m.
Motion by Clare Thomsen, supported by Marilyn Thomsen to adjourn, motion carried.