September 11, 2013
The fall meeting was called to order by Chairman Wesley Thomsen after ringing of the bell.
Present: Wesley & Marilyn Thomsen, Jennifer Thomsen, and John & Lillian Christophersen.
Secretary’s Report
A motion was made by Lillian Christophersen and supported John Christophersen to approve the Secretary’s report for May 8, 2013. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Cash on hand as of 9/112013 is $8,130.56. Motion by Lillian Christophersen, supported by John Christophersen to approve the report, motion carried.
Sexton’s Report
Wesley Thomsen reported that there have been no burials since the spring meeting.
Old Business
New Business
Clare and Wes Thomsen will be turning off the water for the winter soon.
The Memorial Day Service went well.
John Christophersen reported that the North drive has deep ruts.
The spring meeting will be May 14, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.
Memorial Day Service will be May 26, 2014 at 2:00 p.m.
Motion by John Christophersen, supported by Lillian Christophersen to adjourn, motion carried.
Marilyn K. Thomsen