May 8, 2013
The spring meeting was called to order by Chairman Wesley Thomsen after ringing of the bell.
Wesley & Marilyn Thomsen, Clare & Jennifer Thomsen, Gerry & Paula Christiansen.
Secretary’s Report
A motion was made by Gerry Christiansen and supported by Clare Thomsen to approve the Secretary’s report for September 12, 2012. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Cash on hand as of 5/7/2013 is $8,594.80. Motion by Clare Thomsen, supported by Paula Christiansen to approve the report, motion carried.
Election of Officers
Clare Thomsen made the motion to keep the same slate of officers, Jennifer Thomsen supported, motion carried.
Sexton’s Report
Wesley Thomsen reported that Gerald Johnson, Ken Brygal, George Zakdski and Jane Christensen were deceased since the fall meeting. John’s Mowing is selling his business to A&M Lawn and Landscape. They will continue to do the mowing.
Old Business
The printing of the Newsletter was only $73 at the UPS store.
New Business
We will again have Pastor Luke Dudenhofer for our Memorial Day Service
Wes Thomsen reported that the water will be started at the Cemetery within the week.
Cleaning for the Church will be done by Wes, Marilyn, Clare and Jennifer Thomsen.
The fall meeting will be September 11,2013 at 6:00 p.m.
The spring meeting will be May 14, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.
Motion by Clare Thomsen, supported by Gerry Christiansen to adjourn, motion carried.
Marilyn K. Thomsen