May 11, 2011
The spring meeting was called to order by Chairman Wesley Thomsen after ringing of the bell.
Wesley & Marilyn Thomsen, Clare & Jennifer Thomsen, Stu Carpenter, John Christophersen, Gerry Christensen, Marilyn Hansen, Linda Cannon, Jean Barber and Mary Ane Krum.
Secretary’s Report
A motion was made by Clare Thomsen and supported by Stu Carpenter to approve the Secretary’s report for September 8, 2010. Motion carried
Treasurers Report
Cash on hand as of 5/10/2011 is $2,561.53. Motion by Marilyn Hansen, supported by Stu Carpenter to approve the report, motion carried.
Election of Officers
Clare Thomsen made the motion to keep the same slate of officers. Gerry Christensen supported, motion carried.
Sexton’s Report
Wesley Thomsen reported that there have been no burials since the spring meeting. One burial, Marguarite Thompson will be on Friday. John’s Mowing will continue to do the upkeep of the lawn with no increase in his charge.
Old Business
New Business
We will again have Pastor Luke Dudenhofer for our Memorial Day Service. There have been many positive comments about Luke and his messages. Nels Hansen will again play the music.
Church clean up for Memorial Day will be Thursday, May 19 at 5 p.m. The Church will hopefully be open starting May 21. Rick and Marilyn Hansen volunteered to work on the 23rd from 1-5 p.m.
Stu Carpenter and Krista Jensen donated a coffee pot and coffee.
Stu Carpenter and Krista Jensen are trying to organize a possible concert series at the Church leading up to the Danish Festival. They will try to get groups of musicians to volunteer and charge a small admission.
The fall meeting will be September 14, 2011 at 6:00 p.m.
Memorial Day service will be May 28, 2012 at 2:00 p.m.
Motion by Mary Ane Krum, supported by Linda Cannon to adjourn, motion carried.
Marilyn K. Thomsen