Meeting Minutes

Once a year, the Association has a meeting for members. Read the meeting minutes for the latest information on the Association.

Spring 2014 Meeting Minutes

May 14, 2014
The spring meeting was called to order by Chairman Wesley Thomsen after ringing of the bell.

Wesley, Clare & Jennifer Thomsen, Gerry & Paula Christiansen, Mary Ane Krum, Krista Jensen, Jean Barber & John & Lillian Christophersen.

Secretary’s Report
A motion was made by Mary Ane Krum and supported by Jean Barber to approve the Secretary’s report for September 11, 2013. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report
Cash on hand as of 5/13/2014 is $7,490.35. Motion by Lillian Christophersen, supported by Clare Thomsen to approve the report, motion carried.

Election of Officers
Mary Ane Krum made the motion to keep the same slate of officers,-Krista Jensen supported, motion carried..

Sexton’s Report
Wesley Thomsen reported that Anne Carlson, Wanda Christensen, William Mathisen and Grant Tiesner have been buried since the September meeting.

Old Business

New Business

There was discussion on the possibility of purchasing more land if we could and set up smaller lots for cremation.

Krista Jensen reported that we are now on Facebook ( Sidney). She is also going to check on to possibly become an affiliate.

Lightening damage to the church is slowing being repaired. The power is back and the siding is in the process of being repaired. The well motor can’t be repaired so replacement is also in the process of repairing. Mary Ane Krum is checking into possible grants to help.

Flags have been purchased and John & Lillian Christophersen will place them on markers before Memorial Day.

The fall meeting will be September 10, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.
The spring meeting will be May 13, 2015 at 6:00 p.m.

Motion by Gerry Christiansen, supported by Mary Ane Krum to adjourn, motion carried

Marilyn K. Thomsen

Fall 2013 Meeting Minutes

September 11, 2013
The fall meeting was called to order by Chairman Wesley Thomsen after ringing of the bell.

Present: Wesley & Marilyn Thomsen, Jennifer Thomsen, and John & Lillian Christophersen.

Secretary’s Report
A motion was made by Lillian Christophersen and supported John Christophersen to approve the Secretary’s report for May 8, 2013. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report
Cash on hand as of 9/112013 is $8,130.56. Motion by Lillian Christophersen, supported by John Christophersen to approve the report, motion carried.

Sexton’s Report
Wesley Thomsen reported that there have been no burials since the spring meeting.

Old Business

New Business
Clare and Wes Thomsen will be turning off the water for the winter soon.

The Memorial Day Service went well.

John Christophersen reported that the North drive has deep ruts.

The spring meeting will be May 14, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.
Memorial Day Service will be May 26, 2014 at 2:00 p.m.

Motion by John Christophersen, supported by Lillian Christophersen to adjourn, motion carried.

Marilyn K. Thomsen

Spring 2013 Meeting Minutes

May 8, 2013
The spring meeting was called to order by Chairman Wesley Thomsen after ringing of the bell.

Wesley & Marilyn Thomsen, Clare & Jennifer Thomsen, Gerry & Paula Christiansen.

Secretary’s Report
A motion was made by Gerry Christiansen and supported by Clare Thomsen to approve the Secretary’s report for September 12, 2012. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report
Cash on hand as of 5/7/2013 is $8,594.80. Motion by Clare Thomsen, supported by Paula Christiansen to approve the report, motion carried.

Election of Officers
Clare Thomsen made the motion to keep the same slate of officers, Jennifer Thomsen supported, motion carried.

Sexton’s Report
Wesley Thomsen reported that Gerald Johnson, Ken Brygal, George Zakdski and Jane Christensen were deceased since the fall meeting.  John’s Mowing is selling his business to A&M Lawn and Landscape.  They will continue to do the mowing.

Old Business
The printing of the Newsletter was only $73 at the UPS store.

New Business
We will again have Pastor Luke Dudenhofer for our Memorial Day Service

Wes Thomsen reported that the water will be started at the Cemetery within the week.

Cleaning for the Church will be done by Wes, Marilyn, Clare and Jennifer Thomsen.

The fall meeting will be September 11,2013 at 6:00 p.m.
The spring meeting will be May 14, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.

Motion by Clare Thomsen, supported by Gerry Christiansen to adjourn, motion carried.

Marilyn K. Thomsen

Fall 2012 Meeting Minutes

September 12, 2012
The fall meeting was called to order by Chairman Wesley Thomsen.

Wesley & Marilyn Thomsen, Jennifer Thomsen, and Gerry & Paula Christiansen.

Secretary’s Report
A motion was made by Paula Christiansen and supported by Gerry Christiansen to approve the Secretary’s report for May 9, 2012. Motion carried

Treasurer’s Report
Cash on hand as of 9/12/2012 is $9,330.32. Motion by Marilyn Thomsen, supported by Gerry Christiansen to approve the report, motion carried.

Sexton’s Report
Wesley Thomsen reported that Anna Thomsen and Billy Lacombe were deceased since the spring meeting. John’s Mowing just completed trimming of the bushes.

Old Business
There was a very good turn out at the Memorial Day Service.

Marilyn Thomsen will be checking with the UPS store on the cost of printing the newsletter.

New Business
Wes and Clare Thomsen will be turning off the water for the winter.

The spring meeting will be May 9, 2013 at 6:00 p.m.

Motion by Jennifer Thomsen, supported by Gerry Christiansen to adjourn, motion carried.

Marilyn K. Thomsen

Spring 2012 Meeting Minutes

May 9, 2012
The spring meeting was called to order by Chairman Wesley Thomsen after ringing of the bell.

Wesley & Marilyn Thomsen, Clare & Jennifer Thomsen, John & Lillian Christophersen, Gerry & Paula Christiansen, and Mary Ane Krum.

Secretary’s Report
A motion was made by Mary Ane Krum and supported by Paula Christiansen to approve the Secretary’s report for September 14, 2011. Motion carried

Treasurer’s Report
Cash on hand as of 5/9/2012 is $6,614.42. Motion by Clare Thomsen, supported by Gerry Christiansen to approve the report, motion carried.

Election of Officers
Mary Ane Krum made the motion to keep the same slate of officers. John Christophersen supported, motion carried.

Sexton’s Report
Wesley Thomsen reported that Talin Addis, Richard Thomas, and Aleta Mae Martin were deceased since the fall meeting. John’s Mowing will continue to do the upkeep of the lawn with no increase in his charge.

Old Business

New Business
We will again have Pastor Luke Dudenhofer for our Memorial Day Service. There have been many positive comments about Luke and his messages. Nels Hansen will again play the music.

The Church will hopefully be open starting May 21. Rick and Marilyn Hansen volunteered to work on the 24th from 10-4 p.m.

A new sound system was purchased with part of the memorial donation in memory of Marguerite Thompson.

The cost of printing the Newsletter was not covered by donations this year. The cost was $270. Marilyn Thomsen will check with the UPS store on their cost and also look into which would be more cost saving, purchasing a printer or continue to have it printed elsewhere.

Wes Thomsen reported that the water has been started at the Cemetery with no problems and that John’s Mowing as mowed the cemetery twice so far.

Cleaning day for the Church will be Wednesday, May 16 at 5 pm.

The fall meeting will be September 12, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.
The Spring meeting will be May 9, 2013 at 6:00 p.m.

Motion by Mary Ane Krum, supported by Gerry Christiansen to adjourn, motion carried.

Marilyn K. Thomsen

Fall 2011 Meeting Minutes

September 14, 2011
The spring meeting was called to order by Chairman Wesley Thomsen after ringing of the bell.

Wesley & Marilyn Thomsen, Clare & Jennifer Thomsen, Krista Jensen, Gerry & Paula Christiansen, and Mary Ane Krum.

Secretary’s Report
A motion was made by Mary Ane and supported by Clare Thomsen to approve the Secretary’s report for May 11, 2011. Motion carried

Treasurer’s Report
Cash on hand as of 9/13/2011 is $7,325.11. Motion by Krista Jensen, supported by Paula Christiansen to approve the report, motion carried.

Sexton’s Report
Wesley Thomsen reported that there was only on burial since the spring meeting.

Old Business

New Business
Wes reported that he and Clare will shut off the water for the winter soon.

It was decided to again have Luke Dudenhofer for the Memorial Day Service. Nels Hansen will provide music.

It was suggested that possibly we could either pass a collection plate at the Memorial Day service or at least have a donation canister by the door to help with expenses.

The estate of Marguarite Thompson has donated $5,000.00 to the Association. Mary Ane made a motion to have Clare and Wes check out the cost of a new sound system for the Church and if it is reasonable to purchase and install. Clare supported. Motion carried.

Stu Carpenter and Krista Jensen are trying to organize a possible concert series at the Church leading up to the Danish Festival. They will try to get groups of musicians to volunteer and charge a small admission. It was also suggested that we contact the Festival office and see if they can include North Sidney Church in the tour associated with South Sidney during the Festival. Krista will check into this.

The spring meeting will be May 9, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.
Memorial Day service will be May 28, 2012 at 2:00 p.m.
Fall meeting will be September 12, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.

Motion by Mary Ane Krum, supported by Clare Thomsen to adjourn, motion carried.

Marilyn K. Thomsen

Spring 2011 Meeting Minutes

May 11, 2011
The spring meeting was called to order by Chairman Wesley Thomsen after ringing of the bell.

Wesley & Marilyn Thomsen, Clare & Jennifer Thomsen, Stu Carpenter, John Christophersen, Gerry Christensen, Marilyn Hansen, Linda Cannon, Jean Barber and Mary Ane Krum.

Secretary’s Report
A motion was made by Clare Thomsen and supported by Stu Carpenter to approve the Secretary’s report for September 8, 2010. Motion carried

Treasurers Report
Cash on hand as of 5/10/2011 is $2,561.53. Motion by Marilyn Hansen, supported by Stu Carpenter to approve the report, motion carried.

Election of Officers
Clare Thomsen made the motion to keep the same slate of officers. Gerry Christensen supported, motion carried.

Sexton’s Report
Wesley Thomsen reported that there have been no burials since the spring meeting. One burial, Marguarite Thompson will be on Friday. John’s Mowing will continue to do the upkeep of the lawn with no increase in his charge.

Old Business

New Business
We will again have Pastor Luke Dudenhofer for our Memorial Day Service. There have been many positive comments about Luke and his messages. Nels Hansen will again play the music.

Church clean up for Memorial Day will be Thursday, May 19 at 5 p.m. The Church will hopefully be open starting May 21. Rick and Marilyn Hansen volunteered to work on the 23rd from 1-5 p.m.

Stu Carpenter and Krista Jensen donated a coffee pot and coffee.

Stu Carpenter and Krista Jensen are trying to organize a possible concert series at the Church leading up to the Danish Festival. They will try to get groups of musicians to volunteer and charge a small admission.

The fall meeting will be September 14, 2011 at 6:00 p.m.
Memorial Day service will be May 28, 2012 at 2:00 p.m.

Motion by Mary Ane Krum, supported by Linda Cannon to adjourn, motion carried.

Marilyn K. Thomsen

Fall 2010 Meeting Minutes

September 8, 2010
The fall meeting was called to order by Chairman Wesley Thomsen after ringing the bell.

Wesley & Marilyn Thomsen, Clare & Jennifer Thomsen, Krista Jensen, Stu Carpenter.

Secretary’s Report
A motion was made by Stu Carpenter and supported by Clare Thomsen to approve the Secretary’s report for May 12, 2010. Motion carried

Treasurers Report
Cash on hand as of 9/7/2010 is $3,086.30. Motion by Krista Jensen, supported by Clare Thomsen to approve the report, motion carried.

Sexton?s Report
Wesley Thomsen reported that there have been no burials since the spring meeting.

Old Business
Wes and Clare will be winterizing the Church and water pump soon.

New Business
We will again have Pastor Luke Dudenhofer for our Memorial Day Service. There have been many positive comments about Luke and his messages. Nels Hansen will again play the music.

Jennifer Thomsen reported that there have been two visits this summer, one from Nels Hansen’s family from Denmark.

It was suggested that we add to the Newsletter that the Association funds are going down.

Krista Jensen suggested a membership drive. A lifetime membership of $50 will entitle that member to purchase one of the North Sidney books for $10 plus postage of $10 instead of the usual $35. This along with the mention that the North Sidney books would be a great Christmas gift will be added to the website.

The spring meeting will be May 11, 2011 at 6:00 p.m.
Memorial Day service will be May 30, 2011 at 2:00 p.m.

Motion by Clare Thomsen, supported by Krista Jensen to adjourn, motion carried.

Marilyn K. Thomsen

Spring 2010 Meeting Minutes

May 12, 2010
The spring meeting was called to order by Chairman Wesley Thomsen.

Wesley & Marilyn Thomsen, Clare & Jennifer Thomsen, Krista Jensen, Jean Barber, Mary Anne Krum.

Election of Officers
Jean Barber made the motion to keep the same officers for the next year, Clare Thomsen supported, motion carried.

Officers are:
Chairperson – Wesley Thomsen
Secretary – Marilyn Thomsen
Treasurer – Jennifer Thomsen

Nominations were opened for Directors, Jennifer Thomsen nominated Jean Barber; Jean Barber nominated Krista Jensen and Krista Jensen nominated Mary Anne Krum. Jennifer Thomsen supported the motions, motion carried.

Secretary’s Report
A motion was made by Clare Thomsen and supported by Jean Barber to approve the Secretary?s report for September 9, 2009. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report
Cash on hand as of 5/12/2010 is $3,738.92. Motion by Mary Anne Krum, supported by Jean Barber to approve the report, motion carried.

Sexton’s Report
Wesley Thomsen reported that Leo Schachtele passed away since September. John Kooi continues to provide mowing and trimming.

Old Business
Wes and Clare Thomsen got the water started for the summer. Everything is working great.

New Business
A letter was received from the Historic Michigan Travel Guide inviting the Association to become members. Information about the Church will be in the next guide. Motion was made by Jean Barber and supported by Clare Thomsen to have Jennifer Thomsen contact the Association and see if we have to become members and how to receive a guide. If everything checks out she will send the $35 membership fee. Motion carried.

Clare, Jennifer, Wes and Marilyn Thomsen will get the Church cleaned up for Memorial Day. Krista Jensen and her husband will have the Church open on May 29 from 2-5. Mary Anne Krum is checking with her sister to see what day they can be at the Church.

Memorial Day service will be May 31, 2010 at 2:00 p.m.
Fall meeting will be September 8, 2010 at 6:00 p.m.
The spring meeting will be May 11, 2011 at 6:00 p.m.

Motion by Clare Thomsen, supported by Mary Anne Krum to adjourn, motion carried.

Fall 2009 Meeting Minutes

September 9, 2009
The fall meeting was called to order by Chairman Wesley Thomsen.

Wesley & Marilyn Thomsen, Clare & Jennifer Thomsen, Krista Jensen

Secretary’s Report
A motion was made by Jennifer Thomsen and supported by Clare Thomsen to approve the Secretary’s report for May 13, 2009. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report
Cash on hand as of 9/9/09 is $4,735.43. Motion by Krista Jensen, supported by Clare Thomsen to approve the report, motion carried.

Sexton’s Report
Wesley Thomsen reported that Richard Jensen, Kurt Christophersen and Willie Thomsen have passed away since May. John Kooi continues to provide mowing and trimming.

Old Business
Wesley Thomsen gave a report on the last Memorial Day Service. He indicated that there were approximately 65 present.

The water pump has been fixed and Wes and Clare will be working on winterizing.Jennifer Thomsen mentioned that the Perpetual Care did not cover the lawn service for the first time.

New Business
We will again have Pastor Luke Dudenhofer for our Memorial Day Service. There have been many positive comments about Luke and his messages. Nels Hansen will again play the music.

There is a wedding at the Church in October and the Church will need some spot cleaning before the event.

Krista Jensen who handles the North Sidney web site is going to add a spot for interested people to indicate they want the newsletter emailed to them. She is also planning to add features.

Memorial Day service will be May 31, 2010 at 2:00 p.m.
Fall meeting will be September 8, 2010 at 6:00 p.m.
The spring meeting will be May 11, 2011 at 6:00 p.m.

Motion by Clare Thomsen, supported by Marilyn Thomsen to adjourn, motion carried.